Students in grades 3-5 can now access Flat and Soundtrap for free during the this educational trial period. Students can collaborate in real-time on these platforms. Here is an overview of what each platform can do:
Create and share scores for collaboration.
Write and playback music using traditional music notation.
Copy and paste selected portions of music.
Select, add and change instruments.
Import MIDI files into traditional notation and edit.
Export songs as PDF, Audio (Wav, mp3) MusicXML and MIDI formats.
Link and syncronize external audio with music scores.
Search, drag, drop and manipulate pre-recorded loops.
Change the key of the project, thereby changing the key of all Midi and pre-recorded loops.
Auto correct pitch by customizing scale.
Collaborate in real-time with video on projects.
Import MIDI files as loops and edit.
Export MIDI tracks to files, to Flat platform (above) or as WAV or mp3 files.
Thanks to Soundtrap's generous educational trial during this time, we've got a REALLY awesome musical software to collaborate and play around with some great music. This is our last assignment for the year.
In this assignment, you will:
1. Login to SoundTrap using your Google Account
2. Join your grade level's group using the Link with the Group Code embedded (Below):
a. 5th Grade:
b. 4th Grade:
c. 3rd Grade:
3. Import your Song Maker Song into a new track. (See Mr. McClary's video: Song Maker into SoundTrap)
Save your Song Maker song as DOWNLOAD MIDI.
Then, in SoundTrap, click ADD NEW TRACK, and then IMPORT FILE.
Select the file you just downloaded and voila! Watch your composition come into SoundTrap.
4. Watch the Crash Course video from the Soundtrap Tutorial Playlist below.
5. Play around with the controls and loops to create your own music! (What is not mentioned in the Crash Course is that you can auto generate drum rhythms using the Generate Button when you add a NEW TRACK)
6. Share with Mr. McClary (James McClary).
I cannot stress how VERY important it is to watch the tutorial BELOW to really understand the controls because there are A LOT of controls, especially when dealing with loops. Also, just like in the Chrome Music Lab Song Maker, pay close attention to how measures/bars line up; it will make a big difference in how your project aligned.
I've made other tutorials available on the same YouTube Channel if you want to watch them; it will really help you understand other terms and controls within SoundTrap.
You can share within this assignment with up to 2 other people; more than 2 might get messy and overwhelm you.
Here are some questions to settle AFTER you watch the tutorial and BEFORE you start:
1. What KEY are you going to create in?
2. Will it be MAJOR (Higher, more cheerful) or MINOR (Darker sounding, lower).
3. Will every instrument play ALL the time or will you add and remove instruments to highlight certain loops?
Most important, have FUN!
These are GREAT platforms to use and Chrome Music Lab's Song Maker can be directly imported into these programs. video tutorials are available on YouTube for both programs and I have made videos showing how to import our Chrome Music Lab work into these programs.