Allen Elementary Shcool



At Allen Elementary, our vision is to show honor, achieve growth, build community, and find joy in our journey. 


In Allen Elementary School, we are committed to the continued focus on collaboration and the highest levels of teaching and learning, where:


  • Thrive, succeed, and grow through positive peer and staff interactions and relationships;
  • Understand mistakes are an important aspect of learning and demonstrate perseverance to stick with learning tasks through completion; and
  • Demonstrate personal responsibility for their daily attitude, effort, behavioral, and academic choices.


  • Engage students in being active in their own learning, develop growth mindsets, ask appropriate and rigorous questions, and provide ongoing individual student feedback;
  • Hold students to high standards, set effective learning goals, and create a plan of action for success as defined by state guidelines; and
  • Collaborate effectively to strengthen planning, utilize data to drive instruction, and align instructional goals.

The School

  • Creates opportunities and support to serve the whole student from academic to social emotional;
  • Creates school-wide and shared expectations on behavior; and
  • Provides opportunities for students to engage in learning beyond the classroom through extra-curricular activities in the arts, athletics, STEM, and clubs.

Parents and Community

  • Show their involvement in the school and learning process by building relationships with staff through frequent positive interactions and opportunities to attend school functions; and
  • Dialogue openly about needs, opportunities to support, and the academic expectations for all students.  
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