Clear Learning Target
Create and save a basic melody using
Chrome Music Lab - Song Maker.
Open Chrome Music Lab from the link below and select Song Maker app at the top left.
Controls Information
Musical notation is read from left to right.
You can see where the measures are, alternating white and gray.
You can see where the measures are divided into beats between thick blue lines
(1 2 3 4 | 1 2 3 4 | 1 2 3 4 | 1 2 3 4 )
You can see each beat is divided into two parts:
(1+ 2+ 3+ 4+ | 1+ 2+ 3+ 4+ | 1+ 2+ 3+ 4+ | 1+ 2+ 3+ 4+)
Upper area for melody (C - red, D - orange, E - yellow, F - Yellow-Green, G - Bluish-Green, A - Violet, B - Pink).
Bottom Controls
Buttons change timbre of melody and rhythm.
Slide changes tempo.
Microphone Feature
Sing into the mic and it will record your pitch, one note at a time.
Use ⬅, ➡ arrow keys to move to where you want to record.
Use 🔙 button to erase all notes at a certain point in the rhythm.
(Not a fast way of notating)
Advanced settings we will cover at the next lesson.
Clicking Save will change the URL in the omnibar to a unique URL.
You can click and drag this URL into your bookmark bar (no Auto Save feature, so you will have to add a NEW bookmark EVERY time you change something)
Copy Link saves the URL to your Clipboard. (Hold CTRL + V will PASTE the link in a text field.)
Download MIDI, WAV or Embed code we will use for an Advanced lesson.
Turn into Google Classroom assignment. Drag bookmark or copy & paste into PRIVATE COMMENTS.
Turn In.
7 Points - Project is posted in Private Comments and Turned In through Google Classroom.
2 Points - Create a basic project with a well-defined melody and rhythm. Each note should look intentional.
It shouldn't look "finger-painted."
1 Point - Original work. Link should not be the same copied from another student.